Spiced Berry Breakfast Pudding

Spiced Berry Breakfast Pudding
Spice blends like the pumpkin pie spice and five spice powder used in this recipe are an easy way to boost the antioxidant content of your meals. The spices are already combined for you, so you have only one ingredient to add to get the benefits of a variety of spices and flavors. While the two used here are sweeter blends, there are many savory spice blends on the market as well. Use them freely to flavor your other healthy meals and add even more anti-inflammatory power to your diet!
Recipe type: Breakfast
Cuisine: Vegan
Serves: 2 servings
  • ⅔ cup rolled oats
  • 2 Tbs chia seed
  • 1 tsp vanilla bean powder (or 1 tsp alcohol-free vanilla extract)
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice (cinnamon, ginger, cloves, nutmeg)
  • ½ tsp Five spice powder (cinnamon, fennel, cloves, star anise, white pepper)
  • 2 Tbs goji berries, currants, or raisins
  • 1 apple, chopped
  • 1 cup berries of choice (frozen is fine)
  • ¾-1 cup hemp/almond milk or water (add enough so that just a small amount of liquid remains after mixing)
  1. Stir together all dry ingredients (oats, chia seeds, dried fruits, and spices) in a bowl or jar.
  2. Add fresh fruit and stir again.
  3. Add plant-based milk and stir well.
  4. Add just enough plant-based milk to cover the other ingredients, with a small amount of liquid remaining on top after stirring well.
  5. Refrigerate for several hours (or overnight) to allow the mixture to attain a pudding-like consistency.
  6. Eat as-is, or warm slightly to enjoy.
  7. If desired, top with 1 to 2 Tbs ground nuts or seeds of choice.
For an on-the-go breakfast, you can bake this mixture into cookies or bars. For cookies, use an ice cream scoop or large spoon to place dollops of the mixture on a silicone coated baking sheet (or use a Silpat), flatten slightly with the back of the spoon or a spatula, and bake for 20 to 25 minutes at 350o. For bars, spread and press the mixture into an 8”x8” baking pan and bake for 25 min at 350o, then cut into bars when cooled. If you have a dehydrator, you can spread the mixture onto the dehydrator sheet and dehydrate for several hours until dried, then crumble into granola.

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